1. Receive reminders about important dates for the competitions to make sure you never miss a deadline.

  2. Hear about events and opportunities to connect with other Changemakers.

  3. Get the Ballard Social Impact Center’s Newsletter to help you stay up-to-date on current social issues and ways to get involved on BYU campus.


I am a Changemaker. I have a unique set of talents, resources, and time that I will devote to creating the changes I want to see in the world.
I will seek to contribute to causes that align with my passions through donating to, volunteering with, or working for those organizations, or even creating my own organization. I pledge to support organizations that make a meaningful and sustainable impact. I seek entities that:

  • Address the root causes of society’s greatest problems (not just the symptoms)

  • Measure outcomes and impact

  • Promote self-reliance

I will continuously improve how I assess organizations and my own impact on the world. I provide unique talents to entities that align with my passions and provide sustainable impact. By incorporating these objectives into my life, I will engage in lifelong service as a true Changemaker.

Girl in blue shirt standing in the Ballard center with flags behind her.